Discussion on Next Week’s City Council Meeting on Oct. 24


Oct. 24:

Ceremonial Presentations:

  • Presentation of Commendation to Jeff Jennings.
  • Presentation of Commendation to Craig Foster.
  • Proclamation Recognizing Nov. 9 as Malibu’s Annual Day of Preparedness.
  • West Basin Municipal Water District Drought and Programs Update.

New Items:

  • Holding Virtual City Council, Commission, Committee, Board, and Other City Bodies, Meetings Under AB 361.
  • Comprehensive School Safety Assessment Consultant Agreement. 
  • Malibu Road Drainage Repair Project. 

Ordinances and Public Hearings

  • Appeal Nos. 22-002 and 22-003 – Appeal of Planning Commission Resolution No. 22-01 (22969 and 22959 Pacific Coast Highway; Appellants: Mani Brothers Real Estate Group and Patt Healy; Applicant: Steven Hakim; Property Owner: SKA Group, LLC and Surfrider Plaza, LLC). 
  • Appeal No. 21-011 – Appeal of Planning Commission Resolution No. 21-53 (23325 Malibu Colony Drive; Owner, Axel 23324, LLC; Appellant, Judith Israel). Recommended Action: Continue this item to the Nov. 14 Regular City Council meeting.

New Business:

  • Malibu Library Set Aside Funds for Fiscal Year 2023-2024. 

To view the full City Council Agenda, visit malibucity.org/virtualmeetings.